Jonathan Moran

Jonathan Moran


ETH Zürich
Dep. of Civil, Env. and Geomatic Eng.
Jonathan Moran
Risiko, Sich., Ungew. im Bauing.w.
HIL E 22.2
Stefano-​Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich


Jonathan obtained his bachelor’s degree in Naval Engineering from ESPOL Polytechnic University in Ecuador. After gaining experience in the local industry and later as teaching technician in the academic realm, he pursued an Erasmus joint Master’s degree with the University of Liege and Polytechnic University of Madrid culminating in 2021. With his thesis commited to the field of ship collision analyses with low and high-fidelity models he got the award to the best master thesis. This work was carried out together in collaboration with Institut Catholique des Arts et Métiers (ICAM) site Nantes.
Subsequently, he assumed the role of a research fellow in the Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering in the section of optimal decision-making under uncertainty, stochastic modelling, and structural mechanics. Sponsored by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Jonathan awarded a scholarship to research into his proposal related to the structural lifecycle management of offshore wind farms employing actively trained surrogate models with reduced information, with special attention to highly nonlinear structural reliability problems. From February to June 2024, Jonathan joins the Chair of Risk, Safety, and Uncertainty Quantification. During this period, he will contribute to the field of active learning of surrogate models for high dimensional structural reliability problems.

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